The Bulletin Board

Please review the guidelines for our children’s Training Room. The guidelines are posted in the Training Room (Cry Room) and in the Chapel.

Por favor revise las nuevas pautas para el cuarto de entrenamiento. Estan publicados en el cuarto de entrenamiento y la capilla.

If you know of someone who is not able to come to Mass or would like to be visited, please let the church office staff know so we can let Fr. Steve and the Homebound Ministry know of their needs!  

Please make sure to close the door of the Blessed Sacrament if you have to leave your holy hour before the next person arrives.

Por favor asegúrese de no sólo cubrir el Santísimo Sacramento si tienes que dejar su hora Santa antes de que llegue la próxima persona. 

Please remember the bulletin deadline is Monday by 10:00 am.  Any last minute announcements received after this deadline will ONLY be included in the Pulpit Announcements read before Mass. 

If you are planning on using any of the Church Facilities to hold meetings or gatherings of any kind, please contact the Church office so that we may coordinate everything with our calendar.

If you use the Church Facilities for a meeting, please make sure the Air Conditioning unit and lights are all turned off and the building and doors are locked.

Please do not place any material in the narthex without first bringing it to the office for approval.  Thank you for your cooperation!

Parents please accompany your child if they need to use the restroom during Mass. Please do not leave them unattended.

Please take notice of the reserved signs on the back pews.  These pews always need to be kept open for those who truly need to sit in the back.