

 St. Francis of Assisi Church Offertory – for your convenience weekly envelopes are available. Please see the parish office for details. Click to contribute through ONLINE GIVING

Blessings of Thanks! / Muchas Gracias!

Your Gifts to God and Parish

Offertory Collection received thru 3-31-24
Colecta de Ofertorio………………………..$9,330.80
Weekly Budgeted Expenses
Gastos Semanales Presupuestados …………..$6,414.00
*YTD Received/Hasta la fecha recibido: $255,021.29
*YTD Needed/Hasta la fecha necesitado: $256,560.00
(Fiscal Year/Año Fiscal: 7/1/23 to 06/30/24)

New Building Fund Received / Fondo Para el Nuevo Edificio:
2nd Collection/Collection: $6,904.10
Wednesday Collections: $1,887.23

Priest Retirement Fund Assessment Goal: $9,700.00
Meta de la Colecta para el Fondo de Jubilacion para los Sacerdotes: $9,700.00
Received / Recibido: $7,088.31

Special Collection Dates for 2024

May 18-19: International/National Combined Collection to benefit Catholic Relief Services, Collection for the Holy Land, Collection for the Works of the Holy Father (Peter’s Pence), Catholic University of America, Catholic Communications Campaign.

September 21-22: Priest’s Retirement Benefits

October 19-20: World Mission Sunday (Propagation of the Faith)

November 2-3: Seminarian Education Collection (second of two collections)

December 7-8: Religious Retirement